
Warren Zevon -- My Shit's Fucked Up

An epic masterpiece of a song, this is not suprisingly related to death and the aging process that strikes us all at one time or another.

Shortly after the album "Life'll Kill Ya" was released Zevon was sadly diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a form of cancer, that is usually related to micro-fibrous asbestos exposure.

And thus two years later, the world lost yet another wonderful musician. A shame, he might have been a yank, (born in Chicago) but I sure woulda liked to have bought him a drink in some scummy bar way off the main road and just chatted away.

Guess i'll never get the chance now. Doesn't mean his music shouldn't be celebrated by playing it loud and clear whilst singing along in your worst Zevon voice.

Here's the track, give it a good bash: (Play this one first) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-nquzsKpTQ

Live Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDdqubE7zQ

10☆/10★ (An honourable and very rare score here at MMP)

(If you find a better quality video on a reliable source be sure to let me know in the comments so I can update or augment the link given above. It's a fantastically simple and ingenius song and the world needs more real music such as this.)

Prodigy, The -- Ruff In The Jungle

Ruff In'a Jungawl. In'a jungawl, in'a jungawl, in'a jungawl, in'a, in'a jungle.......... RUFF! (SHOUT THIS AND REPEAT FROM START)

(Don't you feel better for having participated in some of "The Prodigy?")(Thought so! 8-) )

Whilst the lyrics aren't particularly complicated to remember, when played with high quality ferocious sound systems it is quite the energetic piece.

Give it a bonk (Not like that you sick fuckers!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be1C-VQphDU


(I apologize for the muppets in the video, I was SOOO not in the mood to do a lot of searching for a mega-quality video feed. It's not like you couldn't look yourselves anyways, I always do the legwork around here and frankly it's getting tiring. haha)


Paramore -- CrushCrushCrush

Hayley Williams' vocals really work to provide an unusual overall appeal to a medium-fast paced rockesque track, not suitable for moshing, but really easy to listen to.

Give it a whallop:



(Don't forget to click "HQ" in the youtube player.) I don't embed videos, because it wastes bandwidth, some users (such as myself) have embedding disabled and it looks rather ugly on my nice clean page.

Robert Miles -- Children

Used many, many, many times on the telly, in films and occasionally in a short interlude on the radio.

Hardly ever played for it's full length due to it's repetitive nature.

Previously an epic smash, but it is growing quieter on the music front with regards to Miles' "Children" now.

This is of course mostly a stock beat and used to impart it's energetic, yet mellow "flavour" these days, often remixed, there is also a popular dubstep remix of the song as well, i'll let you find that yourself. Head on over to video.google.com when you're done playing the video.

Give it a kerplunk:



(As always with our famous price promise here at MMP this was of course the best source located within a reasonable search period, eat that you low quality losers.)


Cybernetika -- Finale

A legal version (at least I think it is!?!) of this track can be had on one of the many albums for download over at http://www.ektoplazm.com

I however will link to the video, as it's now tradition here at MMP.

While it may have an irritatingly long crunchy start, which isn't to my taste (I like some crunch every now and then though) it contains a plethora of somewhat delicious rhythms later in the track.

I invite you to try it out, it's 08:31 long, so take a leak before you start it, or pause it, pausing doesn't do amps and drivers any good however -- it's stressful for them, particularly with very high wattage or massive bass systems.

Give it a clout:



(As always, this is the best video source I could lay my grubby hands on)


Disturbed -- Stricken

Well, a free legal version of this track is damn near impossible to find.

A powerful, angry song, if you own the album, be sure to upload a legal homemade video of the HQ track to youtube and for god sake sort the damn dubbing out. So us THE PEOPLE can benefit.

Then email me so I can modify the link, ta very much.

Give it a dunt:



(I did my best for what of about three minutes of lightspeed searching.)

Miles Davis Quintet -- It Never Entered My Mind

Just bought this boxset of MDQ for my sis. This is the first track of the first album.

Nice slow and mellow.

Give it a try:



(When I tried it, it seemed to be taking somewhat forever to process the video data, doesn't sound too bad as youtube goes)