

Now, it's long been established that any stealing of useful links to free or excellent music that can be legally played/obtained has been a little secretive.

But.. today the "Team Of One" (I, moi, me, yours truly) blow open the doors because in one of my RSS feeds I have got a summary of '09 and her best moozik.

Check it out and get smashin'!

EKTO: http://www.ektoplazm.com/journal/the-best-free-psytrance-of-2009/


(I have much of the psytrance listed in the post and can confirm that there is some incredible stuff there. Download the lot in FLAC format if you can afford the extra discspace and bandwidth.)


Everything But The Girl -- Missing

A golden oldie which you will no doubt have heard. A reliable piece of background music that used to be all the rage back in the day and is still played now and then.

"Like the deserts miss the rain.." gotta love that lyric!

There are also tonnes of versions and remixes, but for the moment I will list just one version -- the original mix.

Knock it's teeth down it's throat:



(Given the tracks age, it's difficult to get a reliable link to a good"ish" quality source, so it's tough guff ya whingey sods. hehe)